Game: Adventure Island 2
Bid: Completare tutti i livelli dell'ultima isola Total: $55.49 Goal: $50.00

Col_ (at_c) ci mostrerà tutti i livelli dell'ultima isola di Adventure Island che verranno saltati durante la run standard
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
Carter 2024-04-06T22:56:54.417178+02:00 $40.00
Lucent 2024-04-06T22:19:40.006443+02:00 $1.89
Fanu 2024-04-06T21:22:08.866874+02:00 $1.60
Hidetaka Miyazaki 2024-04-06T20:09:40.518221+02:00 $2.00
Lucent 2024-04-06T20:00:01.437353+02:00 $10.00

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