Game: Deltarune Chapter 2
Bid: Duck Head contro Giga Queen Total: $71.66 Goal: $200.00

Goal per usare la Duck Head durante la battaglia finale in stile Punch-out contro Giga Queen.
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
Nyarlathotep777 2022-09-24T20:40:04.407618+02:00 $5.00
Gidano 2022-09-24T18:38:37.449061+02:00 $6.66
Djuseppe 2022-09-24T17:50:47.279584+02:00 $1.00
Kurasa 2022-09-24T17:44:00.408007+02:00 $1.00
Gidano 2022-09-24T17:43:45.548875+02:00 $1.00
Djuseppe 2022-09-24T17:27:04.007453+02:00 $5.00
Kurasa 2022-09-24T17:11:40.495370+02:00 $4.00
johntitor1996 2022-09-24T17:07:54.684839+02:00 $2.00
Marghempft 2022-09-24T16:58:46.152154+02:00 $1.00
Elipa 2022-09-24T16:41:22.319666+02:00 $5.00
Gidano 2022-09-24T14:50:51.788152+02:00 $1.00
Myrrien 2022-09-24T14:31:48.781980+02:00 $10.00
Gidano 2022-09-24T14:11:00.964481+02:00 $3.00
Veictas 2022-09-24T12:08:57.037168+02:00 $10.00
leolitz 2022-09-24T11:53:13.379052+02:00 $10.00
Kurasa 2022-09-24T10:42:38.930867+02:00 $1.00
Kurasa 2022-09-24T10:27:22.097780+02:00 $5.00

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