Donor Index — All Events

Donor Max/Avg/Median: $369.42/$22.20/$10.00

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
kurasahakai $369.42 (14) $150.00/$26.39
Col_ $295.00 (6) $150.00/$49.17
Veictas $260.49 (14) $69.69/$18.61
[FR] Le French Restream $250.00 (1) $250.00/$250.00
adb95 $230.00 (5) $100.00/$46.00
nisellama $215.14 (15) $105.00/$14.34
adb95 $200.00 (2) $100.00/$100.00
Lucent $144.64 (27) $10.45/$5.36
Freddy $140.00 (16) $25.00/$8.75
Francesco $125.00 (2) $100.00/$62.50
kurasahakai $123.00 (6) $50.00/$20.50
Gidano $122.88 (13) $50.00/$9.45
LaMorra $115.00 (6) $49.00/$19.17
Ned $109.23 (8) $50.00/$13.65
Veictas $108.50 (7) $50.00/$15.50
whitenoize $108.47 (5) $100.00/$21.69
Veictas $100.32 (9) $20.00/$11.15
Franco $100.00 (1) $100.00/$100.00
Gli amici di Bologna Nerd $100.00 (1) $100.00/$100.00
Bologna Nerd $100.00 (1) $100.00/$100.00
mt $96.69 (5) $55.00/$19.34
Gidano $95.80 (14) $50.00/$6.84
Hidetaka Miyazaki $95.13 (12) $50.00/$7.93
mt $95.00 (6) $25.00/$15.83
llamaRP $93.36 (9) $51.00/$10.37
Londa $90.00 (9) $50.00/$10.00
Omelette con la Nutella $80.00 (11) $30.00/$7.27
SimSalaGrimm $77.00 (3) $59.00/$25.67
redmatt $75.56 (2) $39.88/$37.78
Kinfath92 $75.00 (1) $75.00/$75.00
BlackMenthol $75.00 (3) $25.00/$25.00
Col_ $75.00 (3) $35.00/$25.00
Anonimo $75.00 (3) $50.00/$25.00
Bogs $72.22 (5) $42.69/$14.44
Gidano $71.67 (16) $15.00/$4.48
IlMicheless $71.07 (8) $16.00/$8.88
LaMorra $70.00 (3) $25.00/$23.33
Jon $65.00 (7) $25.00/$9.29
L'uomo del tonno $64.41 (2) $36.00/$32.20
Layrus Snake $63.00 (2) $50.00/$31.50
droplets of light $62.00 (7) $17.00/$8.86
Sig.TRM $61.00 (1) $61.00/$61.00
Lornoveo $60.00 (11) $38.00/$5.45
llamarp $58.99 (8) $13.62/$7.37
Luinil91 $56.00 (1) $56.00/$56.00
Freddy $55.00 (6) $10.00/$9.17
Fanu $55.00 (5) $50.00/$11.00
Issei $53.20 (4) $50.00/$13.30
Lorotor80 $52.40 (3) $25.00/$17.47
Lornoveo $52.00 (4) $25.00/$13.00

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