Game: Tunic
Bid: Tutti i personaggi con il testone Total: $100.00 Goal: $100.00

Durante la run di Tunic, tutti i personaggi avranno la testa gigante.
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
Mapiz 2023-04-02T14:05:46.123478+02:00 $2.55
Team Intoccabili 2023-04-02T13:50:52.873213+02:00 $5.00
NotMe 2023-04-02T13:40:24.867466+02:00 $10.45
Lorotor80 2023-04-02T13:25:49+02:00 $1.00
Sfasano 2023-04-02T13:04:26+02:00 $5.00
Markish 2023-04-02T12:13:59.583892+02:00 $10.00
(Anonymous) 2023-04-02T11:57:41.798986+02:00 $1.00
Vento 2023-04-02T11:46:19+02:00 $10.00
Baron 2023-04-02T11:01:45.430984+02:00 $5.00
NuraxInteractive 2023-04-02T10:38:00+02:00 $50.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
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